Typography as Art

Typography as Art

The Typography is an art that you can find not only in the form of text or inscription. People’s imagination can turn any object into a letter. Here are some amazing ideas: Julie Bakopoulou on Twitter ALPHATECTURE by Peter Defty, London. Great photographic project featuring alphabets. #FontSunday@DesignMuseum Alphabet Photography Alphabet Photography 18 x 18 gloss

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The History of the Cyrillic Alphabet

The History of the Cyrillic Alphabet

The Feast of the Letters The 24 of May is for Bulgarians the “Feast of Letters” – a Holiday with which the people in Bulgaria feel connected not by obligation, but by pure empathy. The official name of the Holiday is: “Feast of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius. National Day of Culture and Slavic

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The Cyrillic Writing Script

The Cyrillic Writing Script

Cyrillic is one of the most used Alphabets in Europe and the 6th most popular Writing Scripts in the World. There are many languages in the world, but not each of these languages has its own system of letters – Writing Script.The most common alphabets in the world according to the number of people who

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